Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Day Has Come

It is 12:50 A.M. on August 1st. That means that in about 11 hours I will have left for Denmark. This whole blog thus far has been nothing but a countdown, and now the countdown is over. Now I leave. Now I start writing in Danish, and posting photographs of my new friends that I will have hopefully made. I've written the 12 page essay, written the culture essay, and responded to all of the journal entries. I've given a speech in Danish, watched Dances With Wolves, and memorized my 10 phrases. I've successfully made my Rotary Club infatuated with me, received my Blazer, and perfected my Rotary smile! I have nothing left to do. My suitcases are packed, my goodbyes have been said, my room has been cleaned (albeit, not very thoroughly). The next thing I have to do is muster up the courage to walk down that terminal. Surprisingly, I believe that I am ready. No matter how tedious those assignments may have seemed, the stuff that Rotary made all of us Outbounds do, actually helped. I really feel ready. Goodbye Florida, Goodbye canary-yellow bedroom, goodbye friends, goodbye family (reminds me of the book Goodnight Moon). Farvel, have fun without me :]